Secretary:John Hislop Phone 01635 200684 e- mail:
“Rhannich” Drove Lane, Cold Ash, Thatcham, Berks. RG18 9JP
Peter Dobson Phone 0118 969 5457 e-mail
89 Telford Crescent,Woodley, Reading, Berks, RG5 4QT
David Taylor Phone 07864180548 e-mail:
22 Weald Rise Tilehurst Reading RG30 6XA
The only qualification for membership is an interest in the subject. All are welcome to apply without having to pass a test. The Membership fee is held as low as possible to maintain the financial viability of Calleva and is renewable each year. Each Member receives a FREE Calleva badge on the initial application. Membership Fee: £10:00 Cheques/Postal Orders should be made payable to: Calleva Stickdressers & send complete with Calleva Membership Form web pdf